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    Ubiquitous product applications

    3C Electronics Solutions

    Based on the trend of informationization development, intelligent electronic products, Miracll cooperate with many famous brands of electrical and electronic materials in the field of research and development reserves. With organic silicone modified materials, special conductive materials, bio-based materials of advanced products, provide excellent smooth and dirt resistance, prevent allergy, the function such as high strength, lightweight advantages, used to produce electronic sheath, intelligent bracelet/watches, VR devices, headphones, intelligent speakers, AR glasses, home appliances, etc.

    To serve the ever-changing electronic technology products, efficient response, performance customization service is the cornerstone of our cooperation with many brands. Miracll develops personalized exclusive materials for customers to "stand out" with you!

    Property and Features+

    • Lightweight

    • high strength

    • Anti allergy

    • Dirt resistant

    • Smoothness

    Product application+

    Provide efficient, low-cost, customized solutions

    +Richer product application

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